Fred Hughes Map
showing landowners and markers
in Guilford County N.C. prior to 1800
This map is one of the 14 quadrants located in the eastern third of present day Guilford County, drawn by Fred Hughes,
and first published in 1988 by the Guilford County Historical Society.
The names of ancestors of the webmaster ((G-G-G-G-G Grandfather Philip Gless (#201), G-G-G-G-Grandfather Crisley Gless (#101), G-G-G-G-G Grandfather Anthony Goble (Coble) (#207), and G-G-G-G uncles Powell Gless (Glass), and George Gless) appear on this map and are highlighted in green and red.
Map information
Year |
Other infomation |
Philip Gless |
1750 |
McCulloh Grant |
Chrisley Gless |
1750 |
McCulloh Grant |
Powell Gless/Glass |
1773,*1802 |
George Gless |
1773* |
Anthony Goble (Coble) |
1772 |
* The land was left by Philip Gless in his will to his sons. The will was probated 17 February 1773. Philip's will also left grandson George (#51) (Crisley's son) the land on which Crisley (deceased) had lived; Phillip Sr. left son Philip Jr. all the "remainder of my estate real and personal" reserving items for his wife Mary while she lived with Philip Jr. Click here to see the will.
[Note: According to the Guilford County, NCGenWeb: Guilford County was formed from Rowan and Orange counties in 1771. This happened after land was purchased by Philip and Chrisley Gless from the McCulloh Grant (refer to information below the map about this grant), but before land was deeded to Powell and George Gless and Anthony Gobel. The western 2/3 of Old Guilford came from Old Rowan County, and the eastern 1/3 came from Old Orange County. Records prior to 1 April 1771 will be found in Rowan or Orange records.]
![](Graphics/201 John Philip Glass/guilford_f6-1.gif)
[Note: A McCulloh Grant gets its name from Henry McCulloh who in 1737 received a royal patent from King George II for 1.2 million acres in western North Carolina. The actual deed was not issued until 1745. Five of his 12 tracts (each consisting of 100,000 acres) were within Orange and Rowan counties. Tract 11 was a square rotated 45 degrees forming a diamond that was 12.5 miles on a side and included big parts of what are now Alamance and Guilford Counties, as well as small parts of Chatham and perhaps Randolph counties. The McCulloh line is shown on the map above.
Lands granted by McCulloh were technically deeds, not grants. Henry McCulloh started selling his land in the late 1740s, with the majority of sales covering the 1760–1763 time period. Many individuals who obtained McCulloh patents had problems later establishing their right to the land because McCulloh's Great Tracts 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 were partly or wholly within the Granville District. That area had been granted in fee simple to Earl Granville in 1744. In 1746, surveyors extended the dimensions of the Granville District and it then overlapped with some of McCulloh's land. In a 1761 Agreement, McCulloh was expected to sell lands that conflicted with the Granville District by 1763 or surrender unsold lands to Granville's estate. Approximately 450 people had obtained a McCulloh patent in Orange, Rowan, and Guilford Counties.
A listing of the many who bought land in McCulloh's Great Tract #11 are ancestors of the webmaster: John Jacob Graves (#103), John Ludwick Albright (#111), Martin Loy (#437), Ludowick Albright (#221), Anthony Coble (#207), John Coble (#413), and Jacob Albright (#197/217)]. (The source of Tract #11 land transaction information is " The original source is attributed to John Scott Davenport's article Early Settlers in the North Carolina Piedmont on Land Sold by Henry McCulloh within Granville's District 1749-1763 (NCGenSocJournal, #4, 1978).
On other tracts, additional ancestors of the webmaster appear on Hughes Maps . They include Robert Ervin (#221) and Adam Mitchell (#429). Robert Ervin purchased land in 1759 and again in 1778, this time from a North Carolina State Grant. (Source: Hughes Map Index Guilford A-L Early Landowners of Current Guilford Area, Guilford County, NCGenWeb. Adam Mitchell got land in 1758 (Nottingham Tract #7) and purchased more land in 1784 (Source: Hughes Map Index Guilford M-Z Early Landowners of Current Guilford Area, Guilford County, NCGenWeb)
Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: