216. Agnes (Nancy)
___ (Married Adam
Mitchell, Jr. (#215)
Born: of
Unknown Father (#431) and Unknown Mother (#432)
Died: ?
document Buffalo Presbyterian Church and Cemetery Greensboro, North
Carolina compiled by Raymond Dufau Donnell, March 1996 p. 71 states
that there are church members buried at the cemetery for whom grave
markers no longer exist. Specific sites are no longer known. Burials
were in the center section, at the old section of the cemetery. Determination
of those listed is based in part on church records. Agnes (Nancy) was
buried in this cemetery, but her stone is one of those that is missing.
Page 77 states "Mitchell, Agnes (Nancy). Wife of Adam Mitchell,
[Her siblings, if any, are unknown].
Miscellaneous: Agnes
(Nancy) and her husband had five
children: Mary (#108), Samuel, John,
Adam III, and Charlotte.
Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com