Below is a chart showing the vital information in the 1830 census for the household of John Strader (#119).
It appears that John and his wife, Elizabeth Cooper had 2 children living at home when this census was taken. In the household were 1 Free White Male of 5 and Under 10, 1 Free White Male of 10 to 15, 1 Free White Male of 50 to 60, and 1 Free White Female of 40 to 50.
The names of some of the family members are not known by this webmaster. The 1 Free White Male of 5 and Under 10 may have been either Jonas was (born in 1820, age ~10 ) or John (born ~1820 and ~10). The Free White Male of 10 to 15 was likely Valentine (born in 1818, age 12). The Free White Male of 50 to 60 was John (Born in 1769, aged 61) and the Free White Female 40 to 50 was likely Elizabeth Cooper (born in 1776, age ~54), John's second wife. [Note: Daughter Barbara (#60) (born in 1804) had married Henry Reger (#59) in 1824 and was no longer in John's home. Also note that below John's name on this census are several of his sons: Jacob (born in 1810, age 20), Martin Strader (born in 1793 or 1791, aged 37 or 39), Isaac (born in 1797, age 33), and John Strader (born in 1801 or 1803, aged 29 or 27)
(Source of pink information: Find a Grave for John Strader Jr. , Memorial #61956784) (Source of purple: posting) (Source: "Descendants of Hans Wilhelm Strader" by Don Norman)
Below the chart is a scan of the actual census that shows John Strader's name and family living in his home... highlighted in yellow.
![](Graphics/119 John Strader/1830 Census Form.gif)
![](Graphics/119 John Strader/1830 Census.gif)