Below is a chart showing the vital information in the 1810 census for the household of Dan'l Donnell (#105).
The names of all of the family members cannot be known for sure. The free white male under 10 is unknown. The two free white males from 16-25 were likely sons Ervin (#53), born in 1793 and ~17 years old and Joseph, born in 1790 and ~20 years old. The free white male 45 & over was Daniel Donnall/Donnell (#105), born in 1755 and 55 years old. The free white female under 10 was likely daughter Jane, born in 1801 and ~9 years of age. The free white female 26-44 was likely daughter, Martha, born in 1782 and ~28 years old. The free white female 45 & over was Daniel's wife Mary Ervin Donnell (#106). She was born 1760 and would have been ~ 50 years old. Including the 7 slaves and one other unidentified person, there were 15 people in the household.
Below the chart is a scan of the actual census that shows Daniel Donnall's name highlighted in red.